Whether or not an extremist position solidifies is not exclusively due to the persuasiveness of an ideology, but rather to the implicit companionship offer that emanates from the respective scene. The conversion to an extremist ideology is usually initiated by individuals who convey only one answer, one truth, and one world-view. Accordingly, the decisive factor for the dissociation process of extremist, inhumane ideologies is whom a person seeking direction trusts: namely those who (again) motivate them to question alleged truths and point out the possibility and justification of other points of view. Anyone who is ready to acknowledge the diversity of possible world-views, creeds and attitudes will, in their own right, distance themselves from a world-view focused on the concept of an enemy. To guide people out of the risk area before they can be recruited for extremist ideologies, or to initiate a reintegration process, if they have already been recruited, requires qualified support.