To achieve this goal, we provide advising for those affected, their relatives and their social environment. On the other hand, our services are aimed at specialists in disengagement work, the health and medical professions as well as experts from neighbouring fields (for example from the social services of the justice system, offender and youth welfare services).
We see ourselves as a bridge between disengagement work and the health and medical professions. Our services are therefore divided into four areas of work:
(Psycho-)therapeutic advise for those affected and their relatives
(Suspected) radicalised individuals who are already being looked after by an advide centre, as well as their relatives, can receive transitional (psycho-)therapeutic advise from our team. In addition, we support and accompany them in their referral to the psychotherapeutic and/or psychiatric care system.
Advise for professionals
We support professionals in their practical work with various formats, such as collegial case counselling or case support services. The content ranges from thematic questions and case assessments to dealing with challenging situations.
Through training courses, workshops and academic work, we sensitise professionals to the interactions between mental health and radicalisation and disengagement processes. By strengthening and expanding existing knowledge, we contribute to increased confidence in our actions.
Through targeted networking activities, we strengthen our role as a bridge between disengagement work and the health and medical professions. We also promote networking between experts and contribute to holistic casework.