Department of Religiously Motivated Extremism

The aim of our work is to disengage young people who exhibit tendencies towards religious extremism and/or have already committed ideological offences from the radicalisation process. In addition to preventative approaches, intervention measures are implemented at the start of radicalisation processes as well as targeted disengagement and exit work, both inside and outside of prison.

Deradicalisation work focuses on those who are motivated to break away from extremist ideologies. We approach these people personally, advise and support them in the lengthy process of disengagement and support them in all aspects of social integration and therapeutic counselling. This also applies in particular to people who are in the spotlight for supporting a terrorist organisation. We also provide counselling to people seeking advice from their social and family environment.

Preventive approaches aim to strengthen tolerance of ambiguity. It is also about the early detection and avoidance of radicalisation processes. To this end, we carry out a wide range of prevention programmes in schools and youth welfare facilities in order to empower young people against inhumane narratives.

Another pillar of our work is the development and implementation of training courses for various target groups – including civil society organisations, educational institutions, employees of the justice system and probation services. In addition to in-depth information on the respective subject area, our programmes also focus on reflecting on one’s own professional role and the resulting professional strategies for action.

We work closely with all our departments in order to be able to take on the new challenges of prevention work through multi-professional and cross-phenomenal work.


Violence Prevention Network gGmbH
Department of Religiously Motivated Extremism
Alt-Reinickendorf 25
D-13407 Berlin

+49 30 91 70 54 64