Projects A – Z

Overview: What we do and where

The team of Violence Prevention Network works on various projects in the field of prevention, intervention and deradicalization/disengagement assistance. The objectives of the individual projects are based on the respective needs in the region. They differ in terms of content, regional coverage and duration. Get an overview of which projects we are currently carrying out:

Advice Centre Bavaria

The goals of the Advice Centre Bavaria are the prevention of radicalisation and the de-radicalisation of youths. The objective consists in directly addressing young vulnerable people who are part of the extreme Salafist scene and initiating disengagement processes. read more…

Advice Centre Berlin


The Advice Centre Berlin provides prevention, training and deradicalisation measures as a response to general helplessness when dealing with religiously motivated extremism. The mobile advise and intervention team aims to build a working relationship with the target group of radicalised people and those at risk of radicalisation through outreach approaches and to bring about the process of detaching from violent groups as well as the questioning of violent ideology elements, so as to make the deradicalisation process possible. read more…

Advice Centre Hesse

Since its opening the main focus of the Advice Centre Hesse is to intervene in the radicalization processes. Targeted de-radicalisation activities are aimed at people who tend to travel to war zones, return to Germany as “foreign fighters” and/or are searching for an escape from extremist ideologies. read more…

Advice Centre Saxony

Advice Centre Saxony addresses people with questions in the field of religiously based extremism. It offers prevention, intervention and deradicalisation measures for those affected by religious extremism.. read more…

Advice Centre Thuringia

The Advice Centre Thuringia offers advanced vocational training, coaching and counselling around the topic of islam for multipliers and institutions. The primary goal is to strengthen the competency and abilities of employees in institutions. The Advice Centre Thuringia can help to identify islmophobic reasoning with the aim to find strategies against it. read more…


Counselling – Prevention – Deradicalisation

The Berlin-centric counselling and intervention project Crossroads has been offering measures for the prevention of radicalisation or for the de-radicalisation of young people since the summer of 2014 specific to the domain of right-wing extremism. The objective consists in addressing young people who are at risk of radicalisation or who have already undergone a process of radicalisation on-site and initiating processes of withdrawal. read more…

Deradicalisation in prison

On account of the growing numbers of (severely) radicalised offenders and the threat of radicalisation processes within the penal system, German correctional facilities are expanding measures for radicalisation prevention and deradicalisation. This includes the probationary system. Multipliers working in correctional facilities and the probationary system further have access to thematic, needs-based training programmes. The latter are implemented in penal facilities, young offenders’ institutions, offices of the AJSD (Ambulanter Justizsozialdienst) and other relevant points across the entire Federal Republic. read more…

European Observatory of Online Hate (EOOH)

The European Observatory of Online Hate (EOOH) is an AI-powered platform dedicated to identifying (illegal) online hate speech across 22 EU languages, plus Arabic and Russian. By supporting real-time tracking and reporting of harmful content on both mainstream and fringe online platforms, EOOH offers a vital resource in the fight for safer, more inclusive digital spaces. read more…

Evoluo (until 2024)

Psychological expertise and coaching for counsellors in the field of (de)radicalisation

Advisors in the field of Islamist extremism often work with clients who can suffer from psychological stress and disorders. The EVOLUO project offers training, peer case advise and case-related support to help them deal with this professionally in their day-to-day work. In this way, we provide practitioners with knowledge and skills that they can apply directly in their work. EVOLUO also supports networking and cooperation between advisors and the health and medical professions. read more…


Competence in dealing with group-related misanthropy

The FAIRact project implements offers for the promotion of democracy, especially by focusing on the reduction of phenomena of group-related misanthropy, at vocational schools and institutions of open child and youth work and addresses both the pedagogical professionals (teachers, trainers, school social workers, social pedagogues) and young people in these institutions. read more…

Family Counselling in the Context of Islamism

The intention of Family Counselling is to support parents of “foreign fighters” or youths at risk to be radicalised and guide them in their communication process with their radicalised children and prevent the recruitment of vulnerable youths. It is designed to support parents during the absence of their offspring as “foreign fighters” and to support parents within the return process of their radicalised children. read more…

Fighting Terrorist Content Online (FRISCO) (until 2024)

The general objective of “Fighting Terrorist Content Online” (FRISCO) is to support micro and small HSPs to comply with the TCO regulation by assisting them in detecting and removing terrorist content online. Our main target groups are micro HSPs and specifically those small ones which are particularly exposed to terrorist content and do not necessarily have the means to tackle this threat alone. read more…

Gaming and Right-Wing Extremism

The project Gaming and Right-Wing Extremism develops and implements an e-learning platform for multipliers in political education. The module-based and expandable e-learning platform informs educational practice about current developments on right-wing extremism in the gaming scene. The result is a digital information and further education offer that is available around the clock and contains practical approaches for educational work. read more…

GRIDD PRO® – Social Diagnostics

Guiding Resilience, Integration, Disengagement & Development 

GRIDD PRO – Social Diagnostics is a case management tool and collection of methods for counselling practice, evaluation and reporting for use when working with radicalised individuals. Developed by Violence Prevention Network, it leverages more than 20 years of interdisciplinary expertise in preventing extremist violence. read more…


The International Network for Disengagement and Exit (INDEX) is a collection of practitioners involved in tertiary prevention of violent extremism, all over the world. It is a forum for knowledge sharing, skills exchange, and collaborative problem solving for our sector. And it is the world’s first professional association for those working in this field. read more…


The website is a component of our online campaign for the prevention of radicalisation and an information portal about the topic of Islam. read more…

KN:IX (until 2024)

Competence Network ‘Islamist Extremism’

The Competence Network ‘Islamist Extremism’ (KN:IX) is an association of three organisations BAG Relex, und Violence Prevention Network. We document current developments and opportunities for improvement in the field of Islamist extremism and foster the advancement and transfer of innovative services. The purpose of KN:IX is to contribute to the consolidation and nation-wide integration of preventative approaches into regulatory structures. read more …


Participatory approaches to protecting places of worship

PARTESS proposes a comprehensive prevention model for the protection of places of worship that is evidence-based, inclusive and participatory. In order to effectively combat security threats posed to synagogues, mosques or churches, it is essential to understand the underlying violent extremist phenomenon and its concrete manifestations in relation to these targets. read more…


Evaluation Designs for Preventative Measures

PrEval is a collaborative project aimed at advancing quality assurance structures in German extremism prevention and at its interfaces with crime prevention and political education. Its methods include analysis, monitoring and mapping formats, multimethod pilot studies and conferences. The project was set up to improve the quality and effectiveness of preventative measures across Germany on a permanent, long-term basis. PrEval covers a broad spectrum that includes religious as well as political forms of extremism. read more …


Workshops and training in the context of religiously based conflicts

PREVENT is a project for the prevention of religiously motivated extremism aimed at young people and professionals in Berlin. We offer workshops and training courses at schools and in child and youth welfare centres to protect young people from extremist content and to support teachers and educational professionals in finding a way to engage with their pupils. read more …


A democratic approach to violence-free schools

The programme is implemented by Fachstelle proRespekt, which consists of a sponsor network including the German Children and Youth Foundation, Gangway – Straßensozialarbeit in Berlin e. V. and Violence Prevention Network gGmbH. The entities of Fachstelle proRespekt contribute their expertise in the fields of school development, street work and violence prevention to the project. The Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family funds the programme. read more …


Research on the social causes and effects of radical Islam in Germany and Europe

he RADIS transfer project accompanies twelve research projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and supports them in three ways. read more …


A change of course for right-wing extremists

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has reported new momentum and the worrying emergence of new networks in the right-wing extremist scene. Over the past years, there has been a surge in the number of right-wing extremists considered by the police to be especially dangerous. The number of high-risk individuals in the far-right scene has doubled since 2016, and Berlin is a hot spot. read more …

Referral Counselling Conspiracy Thinking

Conspiracy thinking and the spread of conspiracy narratives pose a relevant problem for democratic society and democratic institutions. Based on anti-democratic, anti-pluralistic assumptions that question democratic representation and procedures in general, through the dissemination of misanthropic content, conspiracy narratives can contribute to radicalisation processes that can sometimes lead to acts of violence. Conspiracy thinking is not a new phenomenon. read more …

SOMEX – Social Media Extreme (until 2024)

Sensitising experts to the online strategies of extremist female actors in the context of Islamism

The SOMEX project aims to better understand and precisely describe the online activities of relevant female actors in the phenomenon of “Islamist extremism”. SOMEX thus contributes to the gender-specific discussion with experts and multipliers in prevention work. read more…


The TRACE platform aims to identify and confront contemporary threats of antisemitism and antigypsyism in the Visegrád 4 countries (V4). It focuses on profiling key actors, groups, and networks responsible for these issues while highlighting their scale and depth through verified incidents and thorough analysis. read more…

Train the Trainer - New Zealand

In the course of 2025 the Violence Prevention Network Academy will train a cohort of expert practitioners in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE). Participants will be selected by our local partners Explore Hāpainga Ora and He Aranga Ake, most of them with experience in psychology, social work, education or in law enforcement agencies. The 9-months programme includes two in-person intensive trainings (February and March), additional online trainings, moderated supervision meetings and e-learnings (April-September). read more…

Working Group on Prison and Probation Services

The Working Group on Prison and Probation Services is a network of civil society organisations that implement extremism prevention and disengagement advice services in the prison system and in the criminal justice system. The members work on an equal footing and in a participatory manner with the aim, among other things, of establishing common quality criteria and standards for the field of work. read more …