Competence in dealing with group-related misanthropy

The FAIRact project implements offers for the promotion of democracy, especially by focusing on the reduction of phenomena of group-related misanthropy, at vocational schools and institutions of open child and youth work and addresses both the pedagogical professionals (teachers, trainers, school social workers, social pedagogues) and young people in these institutions. The project focuses on strengthening action and communication skills with the help of qualification measures for professionals. Another central aspect is the constructive preparation and involvement of young people who want to actively work as “peer helpers” at their (vocational) school or the respective institution within the framework of a peer-to-peer approach.

The aim is to promote democracy and counteract anti-human attitudes as well as to negotiate a common basis of values – without humiliating the other person for possibly problematic attitudes.


The main objective of the project is to strengthen pedagogical professionals in vocational training in their pedagogical attitude and professional role in the confrontation with anti-democratic and anti-human, extremist and conspiracy ideological attitudes and actions.

In addition, peer-to-peer approaches to confronting group-based misanthropy are to be developed and implemented in vocational schools or child and youth welfare institutions. Through the peer-to-peer approach, young people in vocational training are to be encouraged to get involved in the area of democracy promotion and against ideologies and attitudes that are inhumane. The aim is for young people to learn and experience how democratic processes can be promoted. They get the chance to actively participate in the creative processes of their vocational school/institution through more involvement in topics such as anti-discrimination and group-related misanthropy, to communicate these transparently to their peers and to motivate them to also actively participate.

The qualified multipliers, along with the Violence Prevention Network counsellors, remain the central contact persons for the young people who get involved. It is particularly important to take into account the topics and (support) needs of the target groups addressed.

Target groups

In the implementation phase of the project, the primary target group are pedagogical professionals in the field of vocational training as well as in institutions of open child and youth work.

Other main target groups are vocational school students and youths/young adults from institutions of open child and youth work. They are reached via the vocational schools and the professionals who are recruited to participate in the FAIRact project. The professionals are supported in the selection of peer helpers through sensitisation and empowerment in the multiplier qualifications and also through accompanying information events in their institutions.


Violence Prevention Network gGmbH
Projekt FAIRact
Langhansstraße 146
13086 Berlin

030 288 52 750
Flyer FAIRhandeln – Qualifizierung
Flyer FAIRhandeln – Qualifizierung
Flyer FAIRhandeln – Peerhelper*innen-Ausbildung
Flyer FAIRhandeln – Peerhelper*innen-Ausbildung