Digital Department

For many people, the internet and digital forms of communication, e.g. Instagram or TikTok, are an integral part of their social interaction. In the process, adolescents and young adults increasingly come across content that is harmful to young people, such as depictions of violence or extreme propaganda. Both right-wing extremists and actors of Islamist extremism use social media platforms to spread their ideologies and recruit young people via these digital communication channels.

Violence Prevention Network began transferring its offline expertise in radicalisation prevention and deradicalisation to the online sphere in 2015 and has since been implementing projects in the context of digital living environments. The central question here is how to enable access to target groups in the digital space in order to adapt approaches and measures to the permanently changing communication behaviour of (young) people as well as the social space they choose.


Violence Prevention Network Digital

What we do

The digital division of Violence Prevention Network (Violence Prevention Network Digital) brings together the knowledge and experience of the various off- and online projects of the organisation, develops new digital projects that complement the existing structures of prevention practice and tests new approaches to internet-based radicalisation prevention.

It is not a question of deciding between analogue or digital communication, but rather of hybrid offers that do justice to the realities of life of the mostly young target group and that meaningfully expand the many years of expertise of the practitioners of prevention and deradicalisation work to include the digital social space.


Violence Prevention Network gGmbH
Fachbereich Digital
Alt-Reinickendorf 25
D-13407 Berlin

+49 (0)30 91 70 54 64