SOMEX – Social Media Extreme

Sensitising experts to the online strategies of extremist female actors in the context of Islamism

The SOMEX project aims to better understand and precisely describe the online activities of relevant female actors in the phenomenon of “Islamist extremism”. SOMEX thus contributes to the gender-specific discussion with experts and multipliers in prevention work.

Insights into and knowledge of the social media activities of female extremist actors should enable traditional offline actors in youth and prevention work to better understand the logic of social media, find easier access to digital social spaces, better categorise terminology and narratives and thus also be able to reach girls and young women with regard to their online activities.

At regular brown bag lunches and case lab sessions, trends in extremist scenes and possible measures and strategies to prevent radicalisation processes are discussed with experts and findings from online monitoring and offline work are brought together.

Continuous knowledge transfer based on selected content examples also supports professionals in recognising narratives, recruitment strategies and moments of attractiveness of relevant groups in social media. The SOMEX project thus expands the social work and educational set of gender-specific approaches in and outside of digital spaces.

Violence Prevention Network gGmbH
Fachbereich Digital
Alt-Reinickendorf 25
D-13407 Berlin

+49 (0)30 917 05 464
The project is financed by the Landeskommission Berlin gegen Gewalt and cofinanced by aidFIVE.