Family Counselling in the context of Islamism

The intention of Family Counselling is to support parents of “foreign fighters” or youths at risk to be radicalised and guide them in their communication process with their radicalised children and prevent the recruitment of vulnerable youths. It is designed to support parents during the absence of their offspring as “foreign fighters” and to support parents within the return process of their radicalised children.


The project extends consultation and support to parents or other alarmed persons worried about young people who are either attracted by the idea to become a “foreign fighter“ or who are already involved in combat operations. After getting in contact via a special hotline, the trainers organise personal meetings to address the parents’ fears and to point out options for action. The counselling aims at enabling them to stabilise their relationship to the respective young person, in order to start a guided de-radicalisation process. Furthermore the team establishes a support network to involve the whole social and family environment in collaboratively creating an individual support programme, adjusted to the needs of the young person at risk.


Family Counselling in the context of Islamism

Kontaktkarte – Islamistischer Extremismus
Kontaktkarte – Islamistischer Extremismus