Gaming and Right-Wing Extremism

How right-wing extremists abuse gaming platforms

The project Gaming and Right-Wing Extremism develops and implements an e-learning platform for multipliers in political education. The module-based and expandable e-learning platform informs educational practice about current developments on right-wing extremism in the gaming scene. The result is a digital information and further education offer that is available around the clock and contains practical approaches for educational work.

Over 70 % of young people in Germany regularly play digital games. Digital spaces are no longer just an important place in the reality of life for today’s adolescents; extremists also use them for communication and recruitment. On leading gaming platforms, there are a large number of relevant groups and profiles whose spectrum ranges from right-wing affinity to openly right-wing extremist. Multipliers in political education should and must be able to deal with this in a meaningful and competent way. They need the relevant information, knowledge and skills for practical work with their target groups.

Hände, die einen Controller halten

The project shows the relevance of games platforms as a space of action for extremist actors and makes them accessible to multipliers in political education as a field of action. It opens up leading games platforms in the context of right-wing extremism and misanthropy in order to sustainably promote the ability of multipliers to act. They should be supported in becoming active in the digital space themselves or in protecting young people who are active on gaming platforms from being approached by right-wing extremists.

Target groups

The project is aimed at multipliers in political education work: actors in educational practice, youth workers, youth social workers, team leaders, political educators and others who work with young people, e.g. in counselling centres, youth leisure facilities, media competence centres, schools or similar places.


Violence Prevention Network gGmbH
Project Gaming and Right-Wing Extremism
Alt-Reinickendorf 25
13407 Berlin

+49 30 91 70 54 64
Gaming und Rechtsextremismus – Flyer
Gaming und Rechtsextremismus – Flyer
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