Advice Centre Hesse

Violence Prevention Network’s Advice Centre Hesse supports teenagers, parents and experts who have questions related to extremism. The centre provides prevention, training and deradicalisation measures as a response to general helplessness when dealing with religiously motivated extremism. The Advice Centre promotes increased tolerance of different world views, and early detection, prevention and reversal of radicalisation processes. Intervention in early radicalisation processes and targeted deradicalisation activities are aimed at people who are searching for an escape from extremist ideologies. Our services are based on two pillars:

+49 69 272 999 97

Hotline Advice Centre Hesse

Prevention – intercultural competence and extremism prevention

The prevention work of the Advice Centre Hesse is a response to the growing need to use preventative political education in order to address the phenomenon of religiously motivated extremism. The goal is to provide education about extremism and recruitment strategies as well as to develop strategies for young people when signs of radicalisation arise in peer groups. Other objectives are to demystify the phenomenon of jihadism and to increase the ability of young people to distance themselves from extremism.

Deradicalisation – routes out of extremism

The targeted expansion of competences, activation and professionalisation of institutions and multipliers, and the prevention and reversal of radicalisation processes are primary objectives of the Advice Centre Hesse. It aims to build a working relationship with the target group of radicalised people and those at risk of radicalisation through outreach approaches and to bring about the process of detaching from violent groups as well as the questioning of violent ideology elements, so as to make the deradicalisation process possible.

The Advice Centre Hesse is there for you if …

  •  … your institution is experiencing religious-related tension.
  • … a religious conflict is intensifying in your environment.
  • … you require support in dealing with extremist world views.
  • … you think that your child, student or friend has become radical.
  • … your institution requires advice and advanced training in dealing with religious extremism.
  • … you would like to disengage from extremist ideologies or opt out of radical groups.


Objectives of the Advice Centre Hesse

The aim of the Advice Centre Hesse is to establish contact with young people who are susceptible to extremism. Also, in the course of pedagogical work, the intention is to first effect the separation process from extremist groups and the questioning of violent and extremist ideological elements, which then allows for deradicalisation processes.


Target groups of the Advice Centre Hesse

The services of the Advice Centre Hesse are essentially meant for all persons who require advice or support in dealing with religiously motivated extremism.


Services of the Advice Centre Hesse

In order to reach a broad spectrum within a target group, the Advice Centre Hesse uses prevention and training measures. In particularly difficult cases, deradicalisation measures and disengagement assistance are provided.


Advice Centre Hesse

Leipziger Straße 67
60487 Frankfurt am Main

+49 69 138 22 686
+49 69 272 999 97 (Hotline)
Contact Offenbach

Advice Centre Hesse
(Branch Office Offenbach)

Stadtteilbüro Mathildenviertel
Krafftstraße 29
63065 Offenbach am Main

Wednesday 14 - 16 Uhr

+49 69 27 29 99 97
Brochure Advice Centre Hesse
Brochure Advice Centre Hesse
Flyer Advice Centre Hesse EN
Flyer Advice Centre Hesse EN
Hotline Flyer Hessen – arabisch
Hotline Flyer Hessen – arabisch
Hotline Flyer Hessen – dari
Hotline Flyer Hessen – dari
Hotline Flyer Hessen – paschtu
Hotline Flyer Hessen – paschtu
Hotline Flyer Hessen – türkisch
Hotline Flyer Hessen – türkisch
The Advice Centre Hesse is part of the Hessian Prevention Network against Salafism and financed by the Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sport.
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