Advice Centre Berlin


The attractiveness of Islamist organizations and milieus has been growing for years. According to the report by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the level of danger from Islamist terrorism in Berlin remains high. With the large group of sympathizers of (violent) Islamist groups, there is still a need for educational work with young people who show extremist tendencies and/or commit violent crimes that are religiously motivated.

The Advice Centre Berlin provides prevention, training and deradicalisation measures as a response to general helplessness when dealing with religiously motivated extremism. The mobile advise and intervention team aims to build a working relationship with the target group of radicalised people and those at risk of radicalisation through outreach approaches and to bring about the process of detaching from violent groups as well as the questioning of violent ideology elements, so as to make the deradicalisation process possible.


Who can contact the Advice Centre Berlin?

  • People affected by religiously motivated extremism
  • Relatives seeking advice
  • Professionals seeking advice


Offers of the Advice Centre Berlin

  • Advise, support and specific training for young people at risk of radicalization
  • Intervening measures in cases of emerging radicalization
  • Stabilization coaching after release from prison
  • Initiation of distancing processes, advicing and aftercare / stabilization coaching for young people
  • Disengagement assistance: Advising and working with radicalized people (WadEx)
  • Advice for family members dealing with religiously motivated extremism
  • (Psycho-)therapeutic offers within the framework of religiously motivated extremism

Violence Prevention Network
Bergmannstraße 5
Haus 2, 3. Stock
10961 Berlin

+49 30 544 677 79

If you are interested in a workshop or training course, please contact PREVENT – a project for the prevention of religiously motivated extremism aimed at young people and professionals in Berlin. It offers workshops and training courses at schools and in child and youth welfare centres to protect young people from extremist offers and to support teachers and educational professionals in finding access to their pupils.

Advice Centre Berlin is financed by