Competence Network ‘Islamist Extremism’

The Competence Network ‘Islamist Extremism’ (KN:IX) is an association of three organisations:Logo Kompetenznetzwerk Islamistischer Extremismus

We document current developments and opportunities for improvement in the field of Islamist extremism and foster the advancement and transfer of innovative services. The purpose of KN:IX is to contribute to the consolidation and nation-wide integration of preventative approaches into regulatory structures.

KN:IX is a service provider for

  • prevention workers from private entities, public services, pilot project organisers, state offices for equal treatment (Landesdemokratiezentren)


  • representatives of regulatory structures in schools, youth welfare services and prisons; representatives of security authorities; politicians and administrative officers on a federal, state and municipal level; members of the public.

Our services:

  • needs and trend monitoring
  • development of content and methods
  • knowledge transfer

The competence network is supported by an advisory board. This advisory board helps assure the quality of the services offered by KN:IX.

Pillar 1

Needs and trend monitoring

Based on surveys and focus group discussions, we determine and evaluate current needs, trends and challenges of universal, selective and indicated prevention in the field of Islamist extremism. Our evaluative work involves important representatives of the various professionals and specialisms in question and takes current issues in the discipline into account.

Pillar 2

Development of content and methods

Pillar 1, needs and trend monitoring, constitutes the basis for concept workshops, expert discussions and practical workshops involving various participants from the field of prevention work. The purpose of those events is to present and develop innovative approaches and methods.

Pillar 3

Knowledge transfer

The transfer of specialist expertise and practical experiences in the form of specialist debates and practical prevention work is of the main tasks of KN:IX. Alongside our counselling and coaching services, we publish specialist resources and an annual report (link) summarising the results of our projects.

Network partners

The Competence Network ‘Islamist Extremism’ consists of well-established players in the field of universal prevention (, selective and indicated prevention (Violence Prevention Network e. V) and the umbrella association of private participants in the field (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft religiös begründeter Extremismus e.V.).


Kompetenznetzwerk "Islamistischer Extremismus" (KN:IX)
c/o Violence Prevention Network gGmbH
Alt-Reinickendorf 25
13407 Berlin

+49 30 91 70 54 64
The project KN:IX is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth within the federal programme "Live Democracy!".