Understanding and Addressing Conspiracy Thinking Individually

The project VIVA – Understanding and Addressing Conspiracy Thinking Individually develops a digital information offer for multipliers that conveys knowledge about psychological and social factors that can explain the attractiveness of conspiracy narratives across phenomena. This offer is supplemented by a collection of materials for further self-information, a contact option for individual queries and a demand-oriented workshop series. This offer is intended to increase the competence to act in dealing with supporters of conspiracy thinking. In a second step, a campaign will be realised that addresses users of social networks and sensitises them to conspiracy narratives. The offers are free of charge.

Aim of the project

Although there is a wide range of training courses, workshops and information material available to educate people about different conspiracy narratives and to show how disinformation can be debunked, the need for multipliers and professionals to further develop their own skills in dealing with conspiracy believers is still very high. Conspiracy narratives often seem so far-fetched that it is hard for professionals to understand what exactly makes these narratives attractive and why people follow them. Therefore, existing resources for action rarely lead to the desired success in addressing them: the assumption that one can reach supporters of conspiracy thinking with the “right” information and that one can argue against their narratives on an ideological level often leads to intensified conflicts and makes it impossible to stay in conversation with each other. This is where the project wants to start and, by imparting knowledge about psychological and social mechanisms behind conspiracy narratives, show new options for action in dealing with conspiracy believers.

Target groups of the project

The primary target group consists of multipliers, professionals in child and youth welfare as well as practitioners in school and out-of-school youth, education and social work. In addition, users of social networks and relatives of conspiracy believers are to be addressed by the project.


Violence Prevention Network gGmbH
Project VIVA
Alt-Reinickendorf 25
D-13407 Berlin

+49 30 91 70 54 64
The project VIVA is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth as part of the federal programme "Live Democracy!" and co-funded by the U.S. Consulate General, Leipzig.