Train the Trainer – New Zealand

Capacity building for (new) P/CVE practitioners

In the course of 2025 the Violence Prevention Network Academy will train a cohort of expert practitioners in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE). Participants will be selected by our local partners Explore Hāpainga Ora and He Aranga Ake, most of them with experience in psychology, social work, education or in law enforcement agencies. The 9-months programme includes two in-person intensive trainings (February and March), additional online trainings, moderated supervision meetings and e-learnings (April-September). After the in-person training, participants will be able to start working with radicalised people. Upon the end of the project, and after gaining practical experience, participants will be able to train other practitioners.

Additionally, Violence Prevention Network will support relevant stakeholders in creating a framework for referral structures, working in multi-agency settings, as well as raising awareness for the topic of P/CVE in New Zealand.

In-person trainings

In the training, participants will learn about different types of extremism, ideologies, key narratives, and the risk factors that can lead to violence. They will also explore how to support individuals to disengage from extremist scenes and to move away from extremist views and behaviors.

Participants will also learn how to successfully work with ideologically motivated individuals. They will get to know different techniques and methods, and learn how to plan a counseling session, prepare for it, and document it. They will also know how to cooperate with the relevant stakeholders, depending on the case and specific situation. Participants will be introduced to the GRIDD PRO – Social Diagnostics approach and app, and know how to do an assessment of a new referral, how to draw up a support plan for their client, and evaluate their work (measurement of success) on an individual case-to-case basis.


Within the e-learning, practitioners will achieve basic knowledge on factors that trigger violence, how to predict and prevent escalation dynamics, and how to analyse potentially escalating situations in an early stage, to mitigate violence and potential risks for the practitioners, their clients and uninvolved third parties.

The practitioners will achieve basic knowledge on conducting biographical work methods and how to include them in their intervention programmes.

Online - Training, Coaching, Supervision

In our online sessions, practitioners will get to know and practice methods of peer case consultation and supervision, which they can apply in the following months’ regular peer case-consultations. Apart from that, they will learn why self-care is important, and how they can integrate self-care practices into their day-to-day life.

Participants will meet on a monthly basis, to reflect on their counselling cases (anonymously and confidential) and receive feedback from peers. The session will be moderated by Violence Prevention Network practitioners who have several years of counselling experience. Violence Prevention Network practitioners will also share their experiences and bring in cases as examples, to discuss challenging situations in counselling work and develop ideas how to deal with them.


Violence Prevention Network Academy
Alt-Reinickendorf 25
D - 13407 Berlin

This project is funded by the Department of Internal Affairs and supported by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) of New Zealand.